Recognizing Puss - in - Boots, the King immediately ordered his servants to rescue the marquis.
国王认出是穿靴猫, 就立刻命令仆人去救侯爵.
互联网Puss in Boots : [ after Shrek throws Donkey out the door ] Some people just don't understand boundaries.
穿靴子的猫 ( 莱克将驴子扔出了窗户 ) 有些人就是不知道什么叫做适可而止.
互联网Puss - in - Boots then gathered his master's clothes and hid them.
互联网Puss in Boots: [ after Shrek throws Donkey discover the door ] Some grouping meet dont see boundaries.
穿靴子的猫(史莱克将驴子扔出了窗户 ): 有些人就是不知道什么叫做适可而止.
互联网Without delay, Puss - in - Boots pounced on the mouse and ate it.
毫不迟疑地, 穿靴猫朝那只老鼠猛扑过去,把它吃掉了.
互联网Puss - in - boots placed some lettuce in the sack and hid.
互联网For many days, Puss - in - Boots continually brought the King presents that were supposedly from his master.
接连许多天, 穿靴猫都带礼物给国王,并且宣称是他的主人送的.
互联网In a flash, Puss in - Boots closed the sack with the rabbit inside.
互联网Puss - in - Boots ran outside to greet them.
互联网The marquis was beginning to understand Puss - in - Boots'clever plan.
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